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Push Your Limits

Kickboxing Classes


Open to all ages and abilities

Discover a new passion

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Start your kickboxing journey today

Fill out this form and a member of our team will be in touch to book you in for a trial

Transformative experiences


"Joining ELK has been one of the best decisions I've made. Before joining the group, I realised I needed some headspace just for me, even just for 1 hour a week. I was 47 years old, with no time for exercise (I hadn’t exercised for decades!), work took up far too much of my day and often spilt into my own time, leaving no time for me.   Learning a new skill at my age, which also included exercise when I could barely walk 10 minutes without getting out of puff, seemed unrealistic and doomed to fail. On the day of the first class I dragged on my leggings and t shirt and promised myself I’d walk past the door, and if the room was full of slim 18 year olds in lycra, I’d carry on walking and come home and pretend it didn’t happen. However, the reality is the room was full of women of all ages, all sizes and shapes, and all levels of fitness. I pushed open the door, received a very friendly greeting, and the rest is history! ELK has given me the chance to improve my physical health, learn new skills and build confidence. Tim and the entire Instructor Team deliver a positive and safe place to be your best, focus on yourself and encourage pushing your own boundaries. The weekly in-person class is fun, and it’s great to leave your troubles at the door for one hour. The grading system gives you the opportunity to see your achievements and moving to your next belt really is acknowledgement of your efforts and how far you’ve come from day one. To anyone who is considering joining the ELK family, I would say ‘go for it’.

Start your kickboxing journey today

Fill out the form and a member of our team will be in touch to book you in for a trial